Hi there friend!

Welcome, I’m so happy that you’re here!

Energy Alchemy is all about practical spirituality, that doesn't need to be whack-a-doo, witchy or wanky. You will be offered powerful insights about your soul and how you can up-level without the need to buy giant hunks of rose quarts or live in a yurt. Less woo-woo and more WOO-HOO.

 In your sessions, we’ll focus on connecting you with your higher self, your guides - or as I call them, your Woo-hoo Crew! - and creating meaningful energetic shifts for yourself, your home or your pets.

Working in the 'Metaphysical HR Department' the goal is to help you hire, retire or fire members of your Woo-hoo Crew. You’ll learn more about who you are, where you've been and how to get yourself unstuck.

If you want to shift stuck energy, learn about your past lives and soul gifts, have an energetic spring clean for your house or support your pet to calm the-f-down, then I'm you're gal.

If one has no sense of humor, one is in trouble
— Betty White

About Me

Call me Soph. Energy Alchemist, Akashic Records Practitioner and Connector.

I'm just a Normal-ish lady who doesn't bay at the moon, burn sage or wear crushed velvet (eeew don't get me started on crushed velvet!)

Consider me a pop-culture tragic, someone who has travelled the world, a meeter of celebrities, and I’ve manifested the-heck-out of life. I drink tea like a mad-woman, love vintage country music and have a shameless crush on Tom Selleck.

Using my studies of Akashic Records, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Reiki, Peer Work, Trauma Informed Care, Travel and Tourism, and People Leadership plus all kinds of other interesting stuff we can work together to create amazing shifts.

My career has taken me in lots of interesting directions: Community Services, Retail Management, Portrait Photography, Senior Leadership in Human Resources and had a brief stint as a Travel Agent but mainly I have specialised in supporting and mentoring early career professionals in both post-secondary education and in industry.

The common thread in my resume is my love for working with people to support them to do exciting things - whether that be in their career, relationships, self-image or with planning adventures.

With all the titles I’ve held, the real thing I do is work with energy and I call it Energy Alchemy!

*BTW, if you love yurts, sage and rose quarts - that is totally awesome (crushed velvet is a bridge too far. Sorry.) and I love that you love it... It's just not a requirement to work with me.


  • Akashic Records sessions are about discovering deep, powerful information about who you are at soul-level. Learn about your unique gifts and discover karmic patterns, and energetic blocks through past life stories. Restore balance through a detailed reading and action steps.

  • Energy Alchemy sessions for self are focused on connecting with the higher self and spirit guide team (Woo-hoo Crew) to restore energetic balance. Achieved through cutting cords, releasing lower energies, aura repair, shifting blocks, safely removing lost souls to create powerful energetic shifts.

  • Energy Alchemy for your home will look for lower energy, unwanted house guests, or even stuck energy from previous owners. Achieved by checking for flow from the foundation to the roof and identifying and shifting all blocks which are preventing balance in the home.

  • Energy Alchemy sessions for Pets are focused clearing any energetic load that your furry friend may be carrying and getting them back to balance.

  • Shift limiting beliefs and unhelpful emotions with NLP and Timeline Therapy techniques. Achieved by releasing negative emotions and old patterns of behavior. Setting positive and achievable goals through guided sessions. Creating lasting, powerful change.

  • Book me as a seasoned guest on your podcast. Covering topics such as:

    • Practical Spirituality

    • Akashic Records

    • Spirit Guides (Woo-hoo Crew)

    • Music Travel

    • Pop Culture

    • Tom Selleck

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